Ecological disaster or Ukrainian genocide?

23:33 11.02.10 Ukraine is the Eastern Europe’s country with the population less than 46 million people and...

Ukraine is the Eastern Europe’s country with the population less than 46 million people and the area of 604 thousand square kilometers. Ukraine is rich in various minerals, arteries, forests and black soil. Highly literate and gifted people live and work in the country.

At the same time, there is a constant decrease in the Ukrainian population; for the most part the population is ill and the nation’s health is deteriorating further. Ukraine is sick and endangered.

Ukraine’s catastrophic environmental situation is the main reason of such circumstances. Nobody knows and is able to know what the environmental quality is as there is no respective monitoring in the country. The active government does not have a concern in the monitoring and is simply afraid to get involved in it. Therefore, the Ukrainians cannot hear the truth about the air they breathe, the water they drink and the safety level of foodstuff on their tables.

Today 9 Ukrainian persons of 10 consider themselves to be ill. In addition, dieoff of the Ukrainians of working age is double-four times Western Europe’s. The Ukrainians’ lifetime is 8-13 years less than that of European people.

36 milliard tons of waste are accumulated in Ukraine, out of which2500 million tons of high-toxic top priority waste and over 120 million tons of atomic waste.

More to that, nobody in Ukraine deals with the recovery and destruction of hazardous waste. For the most part they are put out in gullies, rivers and lakes. Officials account this on paper as the recovery or destruction. As a result, substantial sums of budget money or money that should have been paid to the state budget of Ukraine are laundered.

Corrupt practices and government relations to polluters and “paper” hazardous waste entities may be well illustrated by dealing with waste batteries, annual amount of which is about 140 thousand tons in Ukraine. They contain up to 28 thousand tons of sulphur and lead electrolyte.

Journalistic investigations proved that nearly all quantity of electrolyte is poured into the environment. However, no actions are taken by public prosecution offices and officers of the Ministry of Environment of Ukraine. This causes environmental hazard, has adverse effects to population’s health and lives, and creates areas of crime in the country.

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10.10.2011 // 17:34 [ ссылка ]

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11.10.2011 // 00:33 [ ссылка ]

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